I feel relaxed, happy and free!
I also love that after keeping it smothered for so long my creative side is positively exploding! There are just so many ideas bursting free that I can't keep up with them all and have started writing them down so they don't get lost in the crowd..lol
While I enjoyed doing the photography itself and meeting new people, I was also very miserable all the time and dreaded the start of each day. Now I wake up hours before the clock, filled with energy and eagerly looking forward to what the coming day will bring. Of course sometimes it brings not so good stuff, but that's life and it is so EASY to let it go now. I just start working on something and before you know it, the bad thoughts have flown away.
I can honestly say that with the exceptions of Friday night and Saturday, when my grandson comes to visit, I have done some type of art every single day since I made the choice to return to it. And I'm loving it!
Also, while I was practically obsessed with making the photography business profitable, I now create for the sheer overwhelming joy of it. Not that selling things isn't nice, because it sure is wonderful when somebody buys something that I have made. I always feel so amazed and...honored...that somebody likes my work enough to want it for their very own.
To end this, I will share a little something that I did last night. I scanned a sketch into Elements and did a little of this, a little of that until I was happy with the results, saved it, and then did a little more of this and that and saved that one. Actually did three totally different versions of this sketch.

Are they the most awesome art ever made? I'll be the first to say no. However,I was happy while working on them, and am pleased with the way they turned out and think at least two of them are worth printing out for my walls. In the long run, isn't that what art is all about? Creating things that you, yourself love?
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