
Sept. FFFC Challenge piece

As you may remember I belong to a group called Fast Friday Fabric Challenge. Once a month one of the members hosts a themed challenge which can be anything from "using complimentary colors in the cubism style" to our recent one which was "Spaceship FFFC has landed on Planet Loopiland" followed by a description of the planet and the actual challenge. We had to use at least 3 loops in our piece..that was it.

Now because Loopiland is a world of mainly water with stone bridges, arches, etc in the water and an inner core of molten lava, I thought I would do something a little different. It seemed that to get around it's inhabitants would either need to move on (or thru) water or be able to fly.

I chose flight and seeing that Loopiland was another planet its inhabitants could be ...different...than on our world. is what I came up with.

Melvin, a Spotted, Ridgebacked, Fuzzy Headed Pigasus!

Here are a couple of detail shots, a close-up of his cute face and one of his back ridges (the required loops) and his piggy tail

This was definitely one of my favorite challenges so far! I loved how we had the freedom to do what we wanted with it and had a minimum of requirements. It was fun to let my imagination run wild and be a bit different!

If you'd like to see more entries for this challenge, as well as for the past challenges, check out the FFFC blog. There is a wonderful group of amazingly talented members there so I know you'll enjoy browsing through their art :-)

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