
Slater Park pictures

Spent some time at the park today, took LOTS of photos and sharing a few here.
This was originally at the bottom with the other geese photos, but an accidental backspace means it is now of my faves of the geese photos, love the water caught in it as he flew up out of the lake..

Myles on the Looff Carousel which was built in 1895 and carved by Charles Looff. The next few shots are also of the carousel.

Next couple of shots are swans, as you can this swan kept putting its entire head and neck under the water and after many botched shots I finally got 2 really good one of when it took its head out, you can see the water beads an its head and neck too.

A few shots of plain old birds that I lured with some bread and again, after many blurry shots, got some I really like, only sharing 3 here though...first one is going to be named "LOOK OUT!" Looks like that bird is swooping down to attack the other

One of the 3 great goose in action shots I was lucky enough to get today :-)
This one was watching me watching it from about a foot away and seems to be saying "What you lookin' at?"
one of my favorites of the day, I stood patiently, camera all set to go while this guy groomed himself, I knew there would be a final shake out at the end and I caught it! Thought for sure it was going to be blurry but I got lucky :-)